School pick-ups
Can we please politely ask that children are picked up on time at the end of the school day.
Sick Absence
Please email or phone the office everyday while your child is absent due to illness by 9.30 am
French Trip Yr 6
Please note an EHIC card will be needed for the French trip.
PA exciting events!
The PA are holding lots of new events such as a wine tasting evening, car boot sale and annual summer ball! Please scroll down to the PA section for more information.
Fundraiser for School Hall fund
Isaac (green class) is doing a sponsored 5k run on Saturday at bushy park with his sister. All funds raised go to the school hall. If you would like to donate please click here
Items for music activity
If you have any empty rectangular tissue boxes and empty kitchen rolls, please bring them to school on Monday for a music activity.
Zones of Regulation - This is an approach to help children self regulate their emotions and therefore have greater self control.
This is being rolled out throughout the school for Children’s Mental Health Week WB 3rd February 2020. The aim at this stage is for children to know the 4 different colours and which feeling words are associated with each colour. We thought it would be helpful for parents to know a little more about this resource. Information on Zones of Regulation can be found on the Well-being area of the school Website here
Lucy's Blue Day Book
If you would like to buy the book referred to above, the Code: CARDINALNEWMAN offers 20% off selected products, and if "author visit" is chosen for delivery, they will bring them on the day - they will not be posted. This code is available until March 10th, 2020.
If you would like to help continue to keep the school visits free, please donate to this Just Giving Page:
Glasses and other items found
Please let us know if you are missing any of these items, they will be given to charity if not claimed.
School Hall Fund
Please see update for School Hall Fund. Total now raised is £65,756