Forest School Volunteers
Mrs Fleur Coleman wondered whether there was a parent volunteer who would be keen to help her at our Forest School Experience on a Friday (all day) – this is an entirely outdoor event and would be particularly appealing to those with an interest in adventurous outdoor activities, Scouting or gardening. A third adult would enable her to give our children more adventurous experiences as we can keep the group sizes smaller. Please contact Mrs Coleman via the school office email if you would be interested in volunteering – either every Friday or on a rota. Thank you!
Winter Uniform
Remember that the children will return to school after half-term in winter uniform with their white shirts and red ties. Our winter uniform is particularly smart and we would like to remind you of a few other uniform essentials to keep our children looking great for school:
long hair should be tied back and hair accessories should be simple clips / hairbands / ties in plain school colours (navy, red or white)
school shoes should be black (no boots or trainer-style shoes please) and worn with ankle socks (no trainer socks)
earrings, if worn, should be simple studs, one in each ear and the child must be able to take them out themselves for PE
no nail varnish or other decoration should be worn for school please
Please do name all items of school uniform so that we can minimise the amount of lost property we accumulate during the course of a term!
Thank you for helping us to keep our school uniform smart and practical.
Secondary school place applications – closing soon
Apply online; apply by 31 October.
If your child is due to start secondary school in September 2021, you have until 31 October to apply for their school place. If you miss the deadline, you reduce the chances of getting one of your preferred schools for your child. We recommend you apply as soon as possible and before schools break up for half term on 23 October, to avoid any last-minute hiccups. While the usual open days and evenings may not take place this term because of Covid-19, please check school websites for details of virtual tours and alternative arrangements.
The online admissions system is quick and easy to use. Here you will also find information about schools in your area. You can even apply using your mobile; You’ll receive the outcome of your application by email on 1 March next year. You can also log into the online admissions system from that evening to view your school offer. If you cannot apply online, you will need to call Surrey’s Schools & Childcare Service on 0300 200 1004 to request a paper application form. Make sure you send it back to arrive no later than 31 October. We recommend you send it by registered post.
Please make sure that all children have suitable coats and wellingtons in school on Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th November as we will be going on an autumn walk on the school field. We will not be able to have parent helpers on this occasion. The reason we have said 2 days is in case of heavy rain on Tuesday, we will have an alternative day.
The school photographer will visit on 3rd November, 2020. Due to Covid restrictions, there will be no sibling photographs this year including twins.
Reminder to park safely on Molesey Road and Arch Road. We have had 2 more complaints this week so please do not block anyone's driveway or cause any other obstruction. Thank you for your co-operation with this.
Opal visit to the Allotments
On Monday, we arrived in school, put on our wellies and left school to walk to the allotments on Severn Drive. When we got there we met a lady from Walton Charities called Karen. She showed us all the vegetables fruits and flowers that were growing there and told us how they grow. We made bird feeders using bread, cranberries, raisins and apples and we allowed to take them home. Amazingly, Karen let us taste marigold petals, cucumelons and cape gooseberries. We enjoyed finding out about allotments and what people grow so close to our school. We would like to say thank you to Karen and Mrs Boyce-Korkis for allowing us to visit her allotment.
Eva and Kayla, Opal Class
Food Bank report
On Wednesday morning Opal class collected and sorted Food Bank donations. We loaded the food boxes into the car and drove to the warehouse in Hersham. Once there, we unloaded the boxes and took them to the door. The boxes were weighed and we donated a whopping 36kgs. Our mission accomplished, we returned to school with Mrs Simpkin.
It was a very humbling experience for us and we were thrilled that people in need would be helped by the charitable donations of the families of Cardinal Newman School.
Opal class would like to thank everyone who has donated items.
Isabella B and Carlos
Absences email address
Please report any absences before 9.30 am for sick leave, appointments and holidays. Please only email
Pickup Notifications
Please give your child a note to let the teacher know of any pickup changes. If it's last minute, please ring the school office.
School Dinners
Please remember to book your school dinners ahead on